

3 yr old...

Ugh! Today was a terrible morning. It didn't start out that way. Trey took Jacob's 3am feeding which was nice even though I had to wake trey up and I was awake the whole time but I was nice to lay in bed with my eyes closed. Jacob woke up at 6am so I got him and put him in our where he proceeded to go back to sleep. Since he was sleeping, I decided to start getting ready. I had makeup an hair done and then Madison woke up. I went and got her and she was so happy that I got her out of bed since 99.9999% of the time trey does. As I was holding her she told me she like me getting her and that she loved me and she gave me a sweet kiss. She got dressed while I made out oatmeal and then we are breakfast together. Jacob woke up at 7 and I let Madison eat in the living room on the TV tray while I nursed Jacob. All that was left to so was for Madison to brush her teeth and put her shoes on! Jacob finished and everything just went to hell. I told Madison to brush her teeth while I propped Jacob on the boppy in my room while I started to brush my teeth. I walk out of my room to start packing my car (still brushing my teeth) when I notice Madison is just standing on the stairs because she "wanted me." So instead of packing I race upstairs to brush out teeth together where she proceeds to take FOREVER to brush her teeth and complaint ab this and that. I'm so frustrated bc I still need to get dressed, get Jacob in the car seat, make sure I have all the bottles, my pumping stuff, Jacob's daycare bag, Madison's daycare bag and my purse! And then I just lose it. She starts talking back to me and just wasting time. I'm so mad I'm shaking!!! I just don't know what to do. Thankfully, mornings like this are far and few between but I need to find a way to deal with her. I know it's my fault because I got from 0 (total patience) to 100 pretty quickly. I'm just nervous about her teenage years. Ugh-being a mom to a daughter can be hard. I love her to pieces but she sure knows how to frustrate me.
To top that off, on my way to work there was so much traffic before the exit I needed to take and I couldn't tell why (bc I drive a sedan and there were too many 18 wheelers and SUVs on the road) that I got all the way on the left lane with the thought that I was going to smoke them and cut some ppl off until I realized the light was out!!! So now it's a 4-way stop and I have to cut across three lanes to take the exit-thankfully I was able to do that with no incidence. Please let the day get better. I will definitely be drinking wine tonight!


Oh so very tired

I forgot how tiring being a mother of an infant can be. However, add a 3 yr old and the fact that I'm breastfeeding to that and I feel as if I'm drowning at times. I'm super proud of myself that I've been able to exclusively breastfeed Jacob but there are many times that I'm tempted to give him a nice hearty bottle of formula. Madison was pretty much formula fed since birth and she slept through the night at 7 weeks!!! I just need to stop comparing them. I know the fact that at 9 weeks Jacob is only waking up once (at 3/4am) is a blessing for some people but I need my 7 straight hours of sleep. Tonight trey is in charge of the 3/4am feeding because I can barely function right now.
Speaking of breastfeeding, I am starving like Marvin ALL THE TIME!!! There's this myth that supposedly if you breastfeed all these pounds will disappear. Well, I myth busted that shiz because I still have ab 8-9 lbs that is refusing to leave my ass and hips. I have 0 work pants that fit. That's really frustrating bc I bought one pair of big girl pants that I wear once a week and then the rest of the week I wear dresses. It's -32 degrees in the office and I feel as if I'm practically makes when I have to pump at work THREE times. Grrrr. Trey said I could get a trainer as my push present but since I don't have an actual sound routine with Jacob waking up between 3 and 4, I don't know when I can actually start with a trainer. This stuff about having babies and breastfeeding is for the birds! Haha kidding-they're so worth it!
I've been back at work for a week now. Might make me a terrible mother but it's been nice! I enjoy the silence and adult conversation. However, I do miss that sweet face and all the snuggles. One day I'll hopefully work part-time!
We went to the mid-south fair this weekend. Madison refused to ride any ride beside the carousel because she could sit on my lap on the bench. Oh well-she had fun, especially as
She won the piggy at skeeball!!!


Life Has Changed as I Know It

Holy Shmoly - I'm a mother of two!

Jacob Sutton McClain - 7/25/14 7.3 lbs

It's been a crazy roller coaster since he's been here.  Trey and I are definitely done having kids.  He was such an easy baby the first 5 weeks.  Seriously - slept, ate and barely cried.  I felt so blessed.  Maternity leave was wonderful and he gave me so much time to myself that I started packing up the house!  Then week 5 came around and everything changed!  He became a completely different baby.  He has what I guess people call colic.  I blame it on terrible gas. He'll scream and cry and then pass a nice big fart and then calm down.  I'm breastfeeding so I'm thinking it's something that I'm eating so I've decided to give up milk, peanut butter and coffee.  :(  All of my favorite things in life.  However, I'm just happy that I've been able to feed him 100% breastmilk.  It was not possible with Madison but Jacob has been great!  He's also a super big chunk.  He's HUGE now.

Sweet Chubby Baby Smiles
First smile was my 30th b'day

Madison has really surprised us.  We were so nervous about her jealousy but there has been NONE!  She's been a great big sister.  She loves being on paci patrol and talks and kisses him all the time.  I'm so proud of her.  Granted, the first week home she was a bit more emotional than she's ever been.  Also having my mom here didn't help things either but since my mom's been gone and she's back at school in her normal routine it's been great.  I had both kids yesterday by myself because Madison has strep and it was fairly easy.  Jacob was a lot more work than Madison for sure.  All in all, she's a proud big sister!
Meeting her brother for the first time

First day home

Has fun putting her babies in her brother's swing

She LOVES holding him all the time

I'll end this with saying I'm so exhausted - more tired than I have ever felt in my life and I'm waiting and hoping he starts sleeping through the night soon but I look back at the 30 years of my life and I feel so completely blessed and happy.  My life isn't perfect but it's perfect to me.  There's not much more that I need in life (well, except for clothes that fit and more money to buy the clothes that'll fit).


Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Especially to this girl!!!!
Woohoo Sarah got engaged!!! Finally!! Granted, she has already been planning the wedding but now it's official! Also, I've been given the most flattering and amazing job of matron of honor. I've been given that honor only once before and it was for Lauren's wedding.
I've talked about these two girls before but I feel like I should do it again. It took me awhile to realize and understand the meaning quality vs. quantity. I think, no, I know I had no confidence in high school. I desperately wanted and needed to be liked. I was not the popular girl but I wasn't a social outcast but some of the friends I kept would just bring me down. I came to Millsaps and was abused a little by my freshman roommate but I also did the most amazing thing I could have done for myself. I became a Chi Omega. Don't get me wrong-I'm not obsessed with my sorority or will care if Madison goes to another one but I finally met some girls that liked me for me and accepted me. I truly found myself and I owe it to mostly Lauren. There were others like Claire, Anna Kathryn, Liz, Katie and Caroline but Lauren and I were meant to meet each other. I became very confident and happy with who I was as a person. I'm loud, hyper, talkative and I say a lot of offhand comments but I now feel like you either like me or don't and if you don't, you can suck it! 😜

I graduated with my masters, got married and was whisked away to Memphis,TN. I entered unknown territory and I could feel my insecurities creeping back in. I was super lucky to receive an amazing advisor in Grace. However, Sarah was sitting next to me and I don't know why but it took us a bit to start talking. However, the minute we did, I saw fireworks!! We are truly the same person in different bodies. The fact that we worked together and saw each other every day for 2 years and never got annoyed is a testament to our friendship. I also think its because we can accept each other and we don't judge the other person's crazy (even though I think she's crazier than me hahaha). I the made the decision to leave public accounting and leave my sweet Sarah behind. I was truly nervous our friendship would be strained. But we both worked at keeping in touch and we don't have to talk every day but when we do talk, it's as if we saw each other the day before. She is my soul sister and I'm so happy for her and I can't wait to stand next to her on big day. She's found a good one (like trey, Michael can handle the crazy). I just can't wait to see her life blossom with the start of her family. I love you Sarah!!!


Holy Grail of Potty

Woohoo!!! Madison pee peed in the potty! She did it on 6/18/2013 @ 5:15pm. Unfortunately I was also on the potty and my phone was in the kitchen-so no actual picture of her on the potty but I do have a pic of the pee pee, which I won't share unless you really want to see it!!! Here are how the events unfolded.

I tried to get Madison to potty in the morning. She came up to me and said she had to potty. So I stripped her down and we proceeded to sit on the potty...nothing. Tells me she's done. So we walk into the living room and she tells me again she needs to back we go. Once again, nothing. We go back to the living room and I try to out a diaper back on her and she just keeps running away. She runs to her play kitchen and proceeds to pee. I was hoping her reaction would be one of utter disgust but instead she started laughing=no bueno! So off to school we go...defeated.

I pick her up and we get home and I tell her Mommy needs to potty, do you want to potty? She says yes. She sits in hers and I sit in mine. She usually likes to hold toilet paper to tear apart but this time I told her I'd give her some when I was done with the potty. I proceed to pee and tell her to listen to what I'm doing. She giggles and then makes a face and tells ME to listen and what do I hear? The most amazing sound in the WORLD! I hear her tinkle! I went nuts!!! She got lots of chocolate, we danced and skipped around the house! And that was the last time she peed in the toilet. Ugh-potty training is frustrating-here's to hoping for another breakthrough...

Enjoy my photo dump!


Last weekend trey and I decided to do a getaway weekend. We decided on Nashville. It's something that we talked about for a long time but just never acted on it.  Well, Father's Day came and I didn't know what to get him so I decided to plan the trip for the weekend afterwards. However, I was super confused by the layout and where to stay and I wanted to stay downtown so we could walk around and everything was super expensive. I ended up telling him my idea and I'm glad I did. He ended up going on Priceline and we got the Sheraton downtown for $125 a night!!

We decided to head down Friday night after work-left around 4.
Those are some excited parents leaving their 2 yr old child behind!

We arrived to our hotel around 6:30. Our room was pretty nice and we got a king bed which was awesome!! Here was our view:
We headed to this restaurant that Trey's boss recommended called Burger Up. It was sooo yummy!! Everyone should try it. We got fried pickles, burgers and then the most healthy dessert I've ever had:Krispy Kreme doughnut bread pudding. A-MAY-ZING!!!!
Obviously we had no problem fitting dessert into our tummies! Afterwards, went to our hotel and then walked around downtown. I didn't realize how crazy downtown Nashville can be! Printer's Alley freaked me out a little. First thing I see is a sign that says Nude Karoke...weird. And there were 4 policeman on horses just standing and watching in the other side of the alley...weird again. Then we walked on Second Ave and it was just this crazy street. Lots of GoGo dancers dancing outside and very loud music. We finally ended up on broadway. We walked into a bar and had one beer and then retired back  to our hotel.

We slept in until 9am!!! Pure bliss! I love blackout curtains! We got up and headed to Puckett's for a late breakfast. Trey got the buffer and I got a pancakes dish-I wish I had gotten the buffer (French toast casserole-need I say more). All their drinks are in these cute mason jars:

After breakfast, we headed to Opry Mills and shopped til we dropped or at least became broke. Also, we kept saying over and over how much Madison would have had if she was here-we definitely missed our baby. After shopping we had lunch a Blue Coast Burrito. So good. Trey was definitely in heaven.  Got back to the hotel, enjoyed the ending of Shutter Island and then got ready and hit the town. We weren't hungry so we decided to just go to some bar and eat and drink there. This is around 5 or 6 and everything was packed! I wanted to sit on a patio. Anyway, we finally found one at Baileys. Pretty cool bar. We watched the hockey game outside and I had a celebrity siting or sorts.
Delicious Yazoo beers!
Owl always looking down on me-chi o for life. Haha
It proceeded to storm but our waiter was awesome and just brought our table inside so nothing got wet and once it stopped raining we just moved our table back outside and were fine because our chairs and table never got wet!
Trey and me being creepers by taking a "selfie" but really trying to take a pic of Ryan (d-bag Ryan from teen mom). He's the one in the bandana.
Finally jut got the drunk nerve to ask him for a pic. His shirt just says it all!

We drank too much and stayed up way too late-such a fun night! We had set our alarm for 7:30 for breakfast but we slept through it. We were running a little late but we got ready, packed, checked out and headed to pancake pantry for breakfast. This is what we encountered when we got there.
A long ass line. However, it moves really quickly and we got in and ate our delicious pancakes. Then we got the road to get our baby. 

Once we picked her up from Trey's parents house, we took her home and had a blast in the sink!

Like Dorothy says in the Wizard of Oz-there's no place like home.